What goals do you want to achieve within the next financial year?



Even with the 30th of June fast approaching, you can still dream big with our wide range of finance options. The EOFY is a very important time of the year for most business owners. Those eager to plan for the next year, this is your chance to dream big, be smart and think efficiently!

EOFY checklist 

Pacific Finance Australia has made a list of essential services to help you achieve your business goals this coming financial year.

  • Tax deductions

    Take advantage of the tax deductions and secure finance for assets under $20,000 

  • Business banking review

    Review your finance with the help of our Pacific Finance Australia banking review 

  • Energy efficient finance options

    Secure energy efficient assets and take advantage of a 0.70% discount on the interest rate

  • Insurance premium funding 

    Maximise the cash flow advantages and minimise Insurance Premium costs. Let us help you secure lower cost funding for your premium invoices 

  • Installing solar 

    Reduce electricity bills by installing solar and lowering monthly costs. After the finance period, you may have next to no cost on electricity 

  • Cash injection options

    Boost your business cash flow or working capital with a range of  cash injection options

  • Superannuation guarantee charge 

    We can fund your Superannuation Guarantee Charge. This helps you preserve your tax deductibility, Directors responsibilities and your cash flow by spreading the payment over 6 months

Dream big

With Pacific Finance Australia, you can expand your business over the next financial year and get the right assistance you require. Let us help you cross a milestone and take you and your company to where you’d like to be.

Contact one of our Pacific Finance Australia Brokers on 08 9321 2120 or via email info@pacificfinance.com.au to see how we can assist you with your financial needs.

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