Simplify Your Business Debt

Simplify Your Business Debt

Debt restructuring and debt refinancing are processes taken by a business to strengthen its financial outlook. Commercial restructuring and refinancing are effective ways of managing a business’ debt and cash flow by negotiating better loan terms, lowering interest rates, or consolidating debt. One of the most common reasons for this approach is to aid with business growth. 

Importance of reviewing your debt

The experts at Pacific Finance Australia can help you do an obligation-free review of your commercial loans and access your current financial situation. Restructuring your debts can have multiple advantages:

  • Business Growth – Restructuring and refinancing existing loans can give your business access to additional funds and equity, which can be used for business growth. Establishing a line of credit will give the business more security during challenging times. Recapitalizing your business for future growth by potentially accessing additional funds for business improvements.

  • Financial Flexibility – Your financial situation is ever-evolving along with your business and the financial market. It is important to review your existing facilities to ensure you are in the best financial situation for your business circumstances. Accessing capital on an as-needed basis is possible with a line of credit facility, which will give your business more flexibility and aid in growth.

A review of your debt does not mean that you need to move your entire banking. If you have a good relationship with your existing bank, we can simply make sure you are getting the best deal with the same financier.

Make Your Finances Work Smarter

In our experience, your current bank will work much harder when they know a Broker is involved. Your Pacific Finance Broker will take the lead in negotiating with your bank to improve the terms of your existing loans.

Our business banking review will involve a holistic and strategic evaluation of your existing debt while keeping your future goals front of mind.

Your Broker will assess:

  • Pricing
  • Security pledges – Ensure suitable security lines are in place
  • Transaction banking costs – Reduce financing costs
  • Review the lender-client fit – Improve the strategic alignment between the lenders’ and stakeholders’ objectives
  • Provide a costs comparison of selected financiers
  • Provide a proposed course of strategic action to improve the finance structuring of your portfolio.


For an obligation-free review of your business debt, contact your Pacific Finance Partner via or simply click here