Take advantage of the tax break

federal budget tax deductions

Considering upgrading your equipment in the near future?  

Now is the time to do so, as the government is giving access to tax deductions for small businesses that have an annual turnover up to $10 million.

Small businesses are able to secure an immediate tax deduction for assets costing less than $20,000. If you want to increase your tax deductions for this financial year, act before the 30th of June 2017.

Qualifying factors for the tax concession 

  • Business must have an ABN
  • Business turnover < $10 million
  • Securing assets under $20,000

Pacific Finance Australia can also help you secure this concession through a low doc loan, without the need to provide financial statements. Our professional brokers can help you secure finance within a timely manner, in order to receive these concessions by the end of the financial year.

Contact your Pacific Finance Broker now on 08 9321 2120 or via email info@pacificfinance.com.au for more details.


Last night, the Federal Government updated their policy stating that the above deduction for small businesses will now be extended till June 30th 2018.